Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dad and the Horns meet each other: April 1, 2017

Four generations.  The Horns were in Shreveport to tour Centenary College on Friday.  On Saturday, we all had lunch at Imperial Cathay Chinese Cuisine (thanks, Martin!) followed by strawberry pie and more good company at Martha and Craig's (thanks, Gilliams!).  Breeze, sunshine, ducks on the water.  Good times!

Martin, Dad, me, Emma, Martha

The Gilliams and the Horns.  The last time they saw each other was in Austin, in 2011, right after Fox was born.

Al, Craig, and Martha waiting for lunch at Mandola's in Austin.  Craig and Martha had been to visit Michael Craig, who was stationed in San Antonio at the time.

Back at our house, Fox got to have some Joyce time

Have we changed in six years? 

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