Saturday, May 4, 2019

Devil's Backbone Tavern, Fisher, Texas (May 3, 2019)

One of our favorite country & western artists, Dale Watson, was playing at the Devil's Backbone Tavern, a bona fide Texas dance hall.

Texas is about more than pick up trucks and longhorns.  Maybe this is the Backbone's version of the Cadillac Ranch?

Reassuring to see this sign at the front door.  No metal detector necessary.

Box fan at the open window created a cool Spring breeze.  See the board games next to the chair? Tom and I pulled out Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might Be a Redneck If" game to play until Dale Watson's show began.

Those are dollar bills stapled to the ceiling and a table shuffleboard game next to the wall.

Black cat on the bar.  Wish the photo was clear. Sigh.

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