Saturday, May 11, 2019

Finally have a phone with a great camera (May 10, 2019)

After missing the opportunity for some great photos at the Devil's Backbone Tavern, due to low light, I decided to get a phone with a great camera.  After watching YouTube videos of phone comparisons, and speaking with a knowledgeable person at Consumer Cellular, I opted for the Samsung Galaxy S10+.  A loud knock at the door by our mail carrier heralded the dawn of blog photos with more clarity and truer colors.  Shanana/Mia is very happy!  Above is a photo with the Samsung.

The same photo from the same spot with my 5-year-old Moto G.  The Samsung has a wider angle.

The Samsung even captures moving basketball players.

The Moto G cannot focus on moving people or objects.

The Samsung captures more detail when the subject is backlit.  Notice the gorgeous green of the leaves on Tommy 2.  The camera even caught light on the ceiling, and the divan color is true. 

I was standing in the same spot when I took the photo with the Moto G.  I still have a lot to learn about composition.  But, as Papa Tom and I have noted many times, having the right tools to get a job done makes all the difference.  Not to say I haven't used a high heel to hammer a nail and a nail file to tighten a screw. ;-)

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