Saturday, May 4, 2019

The grandgirls' roses are in bloom (April-May 2019)

For several years I've been searching for rose bushes for the grandgirls' rose garden. I found roses for Emma, Mya, and Lulu right away.  Took several years to find "Black Jade" for Jade Fox.  Piper, I'm still looking for the perfect rose bush for you.

For Emma, "Lady Emma Hamilton," named for Admiral Horatio Nelson's love.  The photo doesn't depict the tangerine-orange on the inside of the petals.  Orange is, of course, Emma's favorite color.

For Lulu Grace, "Grace," apricot blossoms with a delicious, warm and sensuous fragrance.

For Jade Fox, "Black Jade," a deep red tea rose.

For Mya, "Cinco de Mayo," blooming just in time for Mya's birthday. I love the yellow accent in the center.  The roses have a sweet apple fragrance.

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