Monday, March 8, 2021

Day #3: no electricity! (February 17-18, 2021)

Icicles on the power lines
We lost power at 6:59 a.m.  We were fooled into thinking it was restored at midnight, when it briefly flickered on.  But no full restoration until 1:30 a.m.  During the 18.5 hours without, the temperature in the house dropped into the mid-40s except for the kitchen, where we boiled water for heat.  Thank goodness we never lost natural gas.  
We closed all the doors to the kitchen and hung a shower curtain in the doorway to the living room.  We were able to keep the kitchen at about 63 degrees.
Luckily we had a solar charger on hand to keep our phones charged.  We were pleasantly surprised that it worked on a window sill under overcast sky.
And old-fashioned candle light for reading.
Papa fell asleep by the boiling water, the warmest place in the house.  I was up to keep adding snow to the pots as our water was off.
Otis watched the Portland Trailblazers' game on my phone while snuggled in a sleeping bag. We high-fived and danced around the kitchen when the power came back on at 1:30 a.m.

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