Saturday, March 13, 2021

Day # 5--Finally venturing out (February 19, 2021)

Sunshine, melting snow, and probably empty cupboards brought us and lots of other people out after five days of snow, no electricity for days for many (only 18.5 hours out for us), and by Friday, no running water for most of us.  The Costco line was long.
Sorry, Otis, but HEB is almost totally out of pizza.  Back to chili and chips again.
Almost totally out.  Literally the last six boxes of pizza.  Tom and I would have agreed it was Real Good, but we didn't even try to convince Otis.

 Instead, we tried Domino's.  The line to place an order was an hour long, so we called it a day.  Love the Cookie Monster Santa jammies with camo jacket.

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