Monday, March 8, 2021

Snow day #2 (Tuesday, February 16, 2021)

Sidewalk outline in the snow
Speaking of sidewalks, when I lived in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1975-76, residents were required to shovel the sidewalks in front of their homes.  No such requirement in Austin, and we don't have a snow shovel.  Neighbors seemed to be fine trudging through the snow.
Icicles on Papa's truck for the first time in the 20 years that he's owned it.
Flip flops in the snow.  Because it's Austin.  And I don't feel like putting boots on.
We filled bathtubs and jugs with water then turned it off at the street on Sunday, February 14, because freezing weather was predicted and our house is on pier and beam.  Our pipes are exposed.  Papa turned the water on for about 15 minutes on Tuesday so we could refill the bathtubs and jars.
Sunset on Day 2 of the snowpocolypse.

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