Monday, April 19, 2021

Building hive boxes for the upcoming hive split (April 12-16, 2021)

OK, Amazon seller promised a total of 10 minutes to assemble two hive boxes and 20 frames, involving wood glue and 120 nails. I glued the boxes and frames together over a period of several hours on Monday and let them dry overnight.  
Fresh and beautiful frames and boxes for our new queen.  We're supposed to pick her up on Saturday, April 24.  In the meantime, we'll set up a piggyback split with the existing hive so some of the bees stay with our 2020 queen and the rest of them go with the new queen.

 Six nails per frame times 20 frames equals 120 nails.  I'm so glad Papa can put tiny nails in a tiny spot without bending them!  I would have to practice a bit first to get every nail straight without splitting the frame.

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