Monday, April 19, 2021

Einar (April 14, 2021)

In June 2007, Lucy came to us first, checking out the suitability of our back deck for her new family.  Satisfied, she brought four kittens to us, carrying them one by one in her mouth from wherever her first home was.  Shortly thereafter, Einar showed up.  We think they were siblings because both of them were dairy cats and they appeared to be about a year old.  Einar stayed with us until a coyote ended his life on April 14.  He never learned to trust us. We knew coyotes were a danger but getting him to come inside at night, like Zephyr does, was next to impossible.  Above, during the February freeze, I managed to trick him inside with a bowl of food after he'd disappeared and hadn't eaten for three days.  Had to slam the door fast once he was inside!
Einar stayed inside until the end of the freeze, but was ever wary.  He used the croton pot instead of the litter box.  Ja vel. As soon as I opened the door, he skedaddled and never came back inside.

 Goodbye dear Einar.  Here's to a lot of treats and a cozy, sunny place to sleep wherever you may be.  And no humans to trick you!

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