Sunday, April 18, 2021

Support Texas Adoptee RIghts (STAR) (March 26, 2021)

Fellow STAR Board members Marla Smith, Joellen Peters, and I lobbied for the passage of HB1386 at the Texas State Capitol on Friday, March 26.  The bill passed 141-1 on Friday, April 9!  Now, for passage of the companion Senate Bill, SB1877, before going to Gov. Abbott.  The bill gives adult Texas-born adoptees the civil and human right to obtain their original birth certificates in the same manner as non-adoptees.  Currently, adoptees must provide a court order or know the names of their birth parents exactly as they appear on the original birth certificate to obtain the record.
Ok, just had to take a photo of this photo of Texas's Lady Liberty who watches over the State of Texas from the top of the Capitol dome. She looks like she means business! 

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