Sunday, February 6, 2022

A trunk full of healing voodoo for Piper (January 26, 2022)

Upon learning of Piper's positive COVID test on January 26, I had to open the trunk full of NOLA healing voodoo to send her way. By then, the rest of the family was well, I believe, as was Otis who'd tested positive around January 12.  COVID needed to leave 1101 Chicory Lane once and for all!
Little Jester was able to harmlessly absorb the virus, just as forests absorb carbon dioxide. Will Little Jester store the virus for millennia like permafrost has stored carbon? Will he be around that long?  But I digress.
Just as trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit beneficial oxygen, Little Jester absorbed the virus and transformed it into a beautiful Muses doll! The Krewe of Muses is the first all-female Mardi Gras krewe to parade at night in uptown New Orleans. In Greek mythology, the Muses are the nine daughters of Zeus. No festivity in Olympus was considered complete without their joy-inspiring presence, and on Earth no fine art, scientific, or intellectual endeavor was undertaken without humbly seeking their inspiration. May we all enjoy good health and inspiration!

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