Sunday, February 6, 2022

Time to remember, two years later (January 28, 2022)

The time has come to divide my parents' things among the siblings, almost two years to the day since my father's passing on January 31, 2020.  By March 1, 2020, we'd cleaned out the house and put it on the market and I took a cargo van full of items home with me for an initial sorting through.  We had no idea that a week later, SXSW would be canceled due to COVID-19 and the the world would shut down for nearly two years--so far. Sigh. 
The March 2020 cargo van was packed floor to ceiling.  Returning to Shreveport with much less. There are still many things to go through, but much has been given to family members and charitable organizations or sold in the meantime. Please let me know if you'd like something to remember Mom and Dad or Charles by. I still have a lot of their keepsakes from Peru, Norway, and England. 

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