Sunday, February 6, 2022

Google Fiber coming to Alguno Road (January 27, 2022)

Austin was chosen as one of the Google Fiber cities in 2013. GF is gradually being installed in different parts of town.  Cables were laid across our sidewalk and down our street at the end of January. GF is advertised as free 1 and 2 Gig internet. I vaguely remember something about anyone walking down the street being able to connect. Fast enough for our needs? Not sure. We'll probably stick with AT&T.
Laying Google Fiber cable past our house.  How soon will laying cables be obsolete?  For example, are telephone wires still used for anything except grackle roosts? I actually don't know. I don't see utility poles being dismantled; probably because they support power lines and fiber optic cable as well as telephone wires???

This guy is using cement to fill in the cable cut.  How much does this infrastructure cost? How many of us need to sign up for Google Fiber to break even?

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