Thursday, January 20, 2022

Celebrating Ryder's college graduation (December 5, 2021)

So proud of Ryder's 2021 graduation from Regis University, a private Jesuit university in Denver, Colorado. Accomplished all while working full time and being a very involved Dad.  What's he looking forward to now that college courses are done?  Sleep!  Brandy and Mya came over a little early to decorate for the graduation get together. 
And he was so close to being the 4.0 Man as memorialized on his graduation cake!  He thought his last course was pass/fail so didn't turn in one assignment.  Turns out it was graded because he was an online rather than in-person student.  So he graduated with something like a 3.95 GPA.  Still....
The Howells, the Roberts, and Roy celebrated with us. River, Mya, Lucy, and Piper hang out while Jim thinks.
Plague cats Mama Rainbow, Sunkist and TC had been isolated in the sun room due to their ringworm.  So before the party, I moved the kitties to the master bath and bleached every surface in the sun room so we could all use it during the get together.  I'm writing this 6 weeks later:  no report that anyone got ringworm.  Whew! 
Micah, Sarah, Kirk, Amon, Ryder, and Brandy on the deck.
Jake, Lucy, and Piper shot hoops in the sun room.
Ryder and I are both mid-life college graduates.  I graduated from UT School of Law in May 1994, at age 40, nearly 41.  Maybe life does begin at 40?  I met my landlord Tom that month in what has become the house of light and joy. I rented the room that is now Tom's space for the 2 months that I studied for and took the bar exam. Little did I know I'd stand on the very same doorstep 27 years later with my first-born, celebrating his college graduation.
Brandy and Ryder
Otis and Mya (I think) at the indoor hoop.
Deck talk with Ryder, Brandy, Piper, Tom, Micah, and Mya

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