Thursday, January 20, 2022

Gathering at Jim and Jan's home (December 27, 2021)

Luckily warm weather allowed us to get together outdoors without masks against the Omicron COVID variant.  Sarah, Kirk, Jan, Tom, Beka...well, all of us enjoyed Jan's chicken enchiladas.  Beka, Sadie, and Miles were visiting from Seattle.  Scott had to return before we could catch up with him.
Sadie, Miles, Liz, Lucy (behind the poinsettia), Jake, Luke, and Jim.  The kids barely sat down long enough to eat, they were having so much fun together. 
Jim and Jan's beloved hens seemed not to mind that we were eating chicken enchiladas.
Jim at the fire pit.
If it's there, you must climb it.  Sadie, Lucy, Jim, Luke, and Jake.

 Sadie roasts marshmallows for s'mores.

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