Thursday, January 20, 2022

Georgie (December 6, 2021)

 I promise I'm not a crazy cat lady--yet.  But we do feed Georgie.  He frequently shows up for dinner in the late afternoon.  Some neighbors think his people moved and left him behind.  Other neighbors think he's a scammer who chows down at several houses.  He does look healthy, not starved.  Either way, we put his bowl off the porch on the sidewalk.  Otherwise he plops down beside the front door, making himself at home, caring less that Zephyr is puffed up and hissing at him.  The porch is hers! Papa's 21-year-old pickup is on the street.  My brother Charles's 65-year-old toy truck is in the foreground.

Georgie's portrait by Mya.  She used his photo as a guide. Great job, Mya!

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