Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thank you, Al, Joyce, and Danny! (December 10, 2021)

Thank you so much for remembering us through the year and our baby bees.  We're unconventional beekeepers for sure, counting on Mother Nature and the bees to get it right.  We interfere very little with the hive.  We do supplement with sugar water through the hot, dry summer, and pollen patties in the late fall and winter.  We also treat for varroa mites.  But we don't routinely inspect the frames, believing the bees are happier (do bees experience happiness?) and more productive the less we smoke the hive and pull out frames.  We didn't harvest honey in 2021.  But we'll have two hives in 2022 and be sure to harvest honey and share with y'all.
Hot tea and honey in the bee cup. Tom's in the photo too! :-)

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