Saturday, December 30, 2023

We'll miss Fox! (December 28, 2023)

Fox and Camille worked on the Video Valley jigsaw puzzle before Anjanette and Jake arrived to pick Fox up. Fox will be with her mom until school starts on January 9.
OMG! Thank you, Anjanette. My favorite lamp of all time. They eyes glow when the light is on!
Anjanette spent a decade looking for this cat lamp. It's like hers, that I babysat for several years while she lived in Portland. She finally found a duplicate on eBay. It arrived with a broken tail; the artistic Anjanette glued it back on and mixed silver and bronze paint to touch up the breaking point.
Fox named Anjanette's car the Silver Bullet. Anjanette put the werewolf on the hood.
Anjanette with her hood ornament

Hood happenings (December 28, 2023)

A two-story addition is being built at our next door neighbor's house. For some reason, the lumber company dropped plywood and boards across the end of our driveway. Luckily, we didn't need to back the car out for the several hours it took for them to move the materials. 
Meanwhile, at the end of our sidewalk, an artist sketches the house across the street for the owners, who are moving to Seattle in January. Oh! The tomatoes and peppers are thriving thanks to no freeze yet.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Our selfie (December 2023)

 Good to know we aren't vampires. Our reflections showed up. Do you see another Papa peeking from behind the red cat? And Papa and the guys on the book shelf?

What could this be? (December 25, 2023)

By the time Amon picked up Fox's gift on Christmas Eve, all that was left was baby shower wrapping paper. Well, she's his baby, so it works, yes?
Fox has been wanting to play keyboard for awhile. 
Checking out the options.

Merry Christmas from the family! (December 25, 2023)

OK, I get the hints for Donkey Kong, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario Brothers, Guitar Hero, Mine Craft. But I don't recognize the other 96 game clues.
Amon brought rum to add to the homemade eggnog.
Oh! and cognac and tequila. 

 On it!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Obligatory cat photos (December 17, 2023)

T.C. and Colette are the two-story cats
Zephyr and Colette are guarding the Christmas stockings
Neighborhood stray Georgie at home at the kitchen window

Portland (December 10, 2023)

Taking the Portland streetcar from LaWanda and Otis's place to The Screen Door, a down home downtown restaurant.
Otis surrounded by Mom, Mia, and Papa
I don't usually do food photos but these deviled eggs topped with bacon crumbles were so inviting.
Otis chose the peppermint chocolate cake for us to share for dessert. With peppermint ice cream!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Godzilla and Micah (Saturday, December 9, 2023)

On Saturday, we went to Micah's to check out the bathroom remodel project. Nathaniel has been working on it since the end of July. Very slow, but will be amazing when finished. A few highlights: The new bathroom floor slants to the middle with a drain for easy runoff from the locker room style open shower. The Toto bidet uses warm water and has a blower for drying. 

Saturday afternoon, we saw Godzilla Minus One. Afterward, the big debate about which is the best Godzilla. Otis says GMO. Micah says the 2014 Godzilla with Bryan Cranston. I liked GMO because it deals with a kamikaze pilot's personal demons, which could have been anything, but happen to be his helplessness against Godzilla. His character changes and grows until facing down his demon.

Waterfalls in the Columbia River gorge (December 8, 2023)

Horsetail Falls, along the Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway
Papa at the base of Multnomah Falls. The 620-foot falls are Oregon's tallest and less than 30 minutes from Portland.
See the people on the bridge? The bridge is a short 1/4 mile hike from the base. Or you can continue another 1.1 miles to the top of the falls on a paved trail.
Looking down from the bridge. See how tiny the people look?

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Columbia River Gorge (December 8, 2023)

View of the gorge from Chanticleer Point. In 1913, at the Chanticleer Inn, the Historic Columbia River Highway was planned. By the 1920s, the scenic highway was finished and called "the king of roads." By 1966, I-84 was built along the river and part of the old Oregon Trail. 
View from Vista House, 693 feet above the river. This was the site of the 1916 dedication of the Columbia River Highway, a winding road that connects Portland and the Dalles.
Vista House opened in 1918 as a glamorous rest stop and observatory for those traveling the new highway. This "comfort station" features marble floors, stained glass windows, and a stunning view. When winds reach 50 mph or more, Vista House is closed. Winds can gust to 100 mph, which will rip open doors off cars. 

 First floor interior. A gift shop and coffee shop are in the basement. Stairs lead to an outdoor observatory.

Portlandia! (December 7, 2023)

We had to be at AUS by 4:40 a.m. for our 6:40 a.m. departure to Portland. Coffee! Used to, you could drop 42 in a box and serve yourself. Now, the dreaded QR code that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, on my phone. I'm sure it's user issue. Oh! And coffee now is $4.50 per cup. Sigh.

Look who's as tall as Papa! We visited with Otis and LaWanda after school let out. Then to dinner with Micah and Laura at the Delta Cafe. Fried okra, fried oysters, and beignets. 


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Blocked in (December 5, 2023)

 Oops! Max was blocked in the driveway due to construction next door. They're putting in a swimming pool and adding a bedroom. The crew needed to load dirt into the pickup. They were very quick to  move the the truck when I needed to to go somewhere in Max. Got to practice my Spanish and assure them that using the "entrada de los coches" was "bueno," that "Yo voy a estacionar mi carro en la calle," (I'm going to park in the street). They've used the driveway for several days. No cement trucks allowed though

Jingle Bells 5K (December 2, 2023)

Did the Jingle Bells 5K in 46 minutes, a slight improvement over May's Wine Run 5K at 54 minutes. Didn't run with everyone else; walked/jogged 3.1 miles at the Lamar Middle School track to report results virtually.
Our garden peppers know Christmas is coming. Love the red and green combo.

Advocating for adoptee rights (November 30, 2023)

Under the Capitol Dome between sessions to deliver STAR's quarterly newsletter to legislative offices. We'll be back several times before the regular session begins in January 2025. The Texas Legislature meets in regular sessions every two years from January-May. The governor can call special sessions. This year, he called four special sessions in an effort to get his school voucher bill passed. Didn't happen.

Ongoing half marathon training (November 2023)

The big day  is January 20, in Charleston, with Donna and Ryder. Brandy and kids are doing the Shrimp and Grits 5K that day. I've done as many as 7.31 miles in 100 minutes for 13.6 minute miles on the elliptical. So much slower on the middle school track though, as slow as 17 minutes per mile. We'll have 3.5 hours to complete the 13.1 mile half marathon. Could be done with 16 minute miles assuming no pit stops or zig zagging.
Papa's ready to check the greenhouse plants when it's 60 degrees outside.

What is it about cats and boxes? (November 2023)

Our favorite stray, who we call "Georgie." He regularly eats at our house. We see him up and down the street, sometimes asleep on top of a neighbor's car. We treat him for fleas monthly, putting drops on his neck while his head is in the food bowl. He usually startles for a second, then keeps eating. 
These two and big sister Zephyr on the other hand, seem to sense when it's flea treatment day. They run and hide. Last time, Zephyr hid under the bunkbeds in the sunroom for hours, refusing to come out even for treats!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Leaky ceiling (November 10, 2023)

Remember that September 24 hail storm with at least golf ball size hail? Woke up to leaking ceiling after a night of heavy rain. Argh! Still waiting on roof repair.

Headed home for Halloween (October 30, 2023)

We love the direct flights to/from Austin/Asheville on Allegiant Air. We love that Allegiant is at Austin's laid back uncrowded South Terminal--for now. AUS expansion is on the horizon. The South Terminal will be swallowed up by the main terminal. Papa and I are on the ramp to board in Asheville.
Due to witchy powers, Zephyr has been shrunk down to ride on my shoulder for Halloween.
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Chimney Rock hike (October 30, 2023)

While the kids were at school, Ryder, Brandy, and Willoughby took us to Chimney Rock State Park. We started with the 1.4 mile round trip hike to Hickory Nut Falls.
At 404 feet, Hickory Nut Falls is one of the tallest waterfalls east of the Mississippi River. At 411 feet, Upper Whitewater River Falls in North Carolina is the tallest east of the Rockies.
Papa on the Outcroppings Trail. Yes, there's an elevator from the parking lot to the Chimney Rock. But no, we had to go up, up, up the trail, which includes 500 stairs. 
We ducked through the "subway" along the trail. I bumped my head!
Papa on the other side
Some of the 500 stairs
Ryder, Brandy, and Willoughby are almost there! The climb is only 2/10 mile but takes nearly 30 minutes.
See the stairs behind us? We could have climbed another 200 feet to look down on Chimney Rock. But we had to get back to Asheville before school let out. 

We had to wonder about the restroom emergency evacuation plan. Looks like you leave one of three stalls and go out the door.