Tuesday, July 4, 2023

HB 2006 passes without opposition! (April 28, 2023)

Rep. Cody Harris (with beard, at the lectern) sponsored HB 2006, which would give Texas-born adult adoptees unrestricted access to their original birth certificates. Currently, adoptees must either obtain a court order or provide the birth parents' names to Vital Statistics to obtain a copy of their uncertified original birth certificate. HB 2006 passed without opposition. Sadly, SB 2237, the companion bill, was not even heard in committee. Had the relevant Senate committee approved the bill, it could have gone before the Senate for a vote. We believe if a clean OBC bill ever makes it to the Senate floor, it will pass. Unfortunately, one Senator with a lot of influence with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has been able for several sessions to kill the bill.  A 2021 poll shows that 77% of Texas voters approve of a clean OBC bill. Come on, Senator! Listen to the voters!

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