Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sherwood Forest Faire (April 22, 2023)

Fox and I had planned to go to the Faire during her Spring Break but it was too cold for me! Rainy and in the 50s. Instead, Anjanette, Fox, and I visited the Faire on a beautiful Saturday. No cloaks required!
We were surprised that a person was inside the costume! Anjanette made him laugh when she complimented his long sword.
Scary Viking types were everywhere. 
Whether 1023 or 2023, grandmothers and granddaughters share a special bond.
Sand art. How do they do it? They use tiny tools and a mister to keep the sand damp while they work.
In Ye Olde Candle shoppe, because there's no electricity in whatever year this is.
Fox and Anjanette

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