Sunday, September 17, 2023

Samara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica (July 24, 2023)

Our first full day in Samara at Casa Pacifica, wonderful VRBO with house, casita, and swimming pool, a short walk to the beach. We  mainly relaxed, grocery shopped. Mya harvested grapefruit using the swimming pool net.
Coconut trees also grew on the property. We couldn't for the life of us get the darn coconut open at first We didn't have a machete on hand. :-( Later, when we got it open, it didn't taste right. Not fresh?
We loved hanging out at the pool nightly. Ryder and Micah visited poolside.
Daytime pool fun too.
Samara Beach, a short walk from our VRBO. That's Isla Chora out there. Mya and River kayaked there one day. The rest of us snorkeled at the island on another day.
Carrillo Beach, a kilometer or so from the VRBO.  There were supposed to be crocodiles under a bridge there. We saw none. Maybe a good thing?


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