Monday, September 18, 2023

Samara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica (Day Two, Part Two--July 25, 2023)

Micah and Otis took the Toyota off road along a river or creek. As Micah was backing out, the bank collapsed and the car slid sideways into the water.
Alfonso from National Car Rental in Samara attempted to pull the Toyota out with a tow strap. But he didn't wait for Micah to get in the driver's seat and take the SUV out of "park." The wheels on Alfonso's identical SUV spun and it looked like he was going to get stuck. He and two other guys pushed him out of the mud. So he gave up. Micah's pulled many a stuck vehicle out at work. He said if Alfonso had not doubled the tow strap and had waited for him to put the Toyota in "reverse," it would have worked.

 Ryder watched from above as Alfonso tried unsuccessfully to pull the Toyota out. Later, National Car Rental sent a tow truck from Liberia, about two hours away. Johann, with NCR in Samara, let me know around 7 p.m. that the SUV had been unstuck. His one word message: "Finally."

The road down, next to the bridge. There's a road up on the other side. A low water crossing?

Once down, Micah drove around the bend then decided to back up to return to the paved road. That's when the river bank collapsed.
Looking at the road down from the road up on the other side.
Tracks, after the fact.

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