Friday, September 22, 2023

Samara, Guanacaste Province, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica (July 28, 2023)

Have you seen the Netflix series about Blue Zones, where more people than average live to be 100? The Nicoya Peninsula is one of those zones. One factor in aging well is living stress free. We were on board with that! Friday was a lazy day at the house and the beach. The front tire on Ryder's rental was low. The guys used the bike pump to add air.

One of many iguanas we saw. This one was along the road to the beach. He ducked into a drain pipe right after his photo shoot.

More fruit along the road. We saw grapefruit, coconuts, star fruit, and whatever this is. Mya had us stop the car just outside Samara to pick star fruit. That girl has 20/15 vision and sees everything!
Papa at Samara Beach. Our rental came with beach bikes.

 Papa gave me a 1,000-piece puzzle for my birthday. The challenge: finish it before the end of the trip!

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