Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 10, 2014: Happy 19 to us!

Our last year in a "teenage" marriage.  Next year, it's the 20th!  We can't believe we've known each other for 20 years and been married for 19.  Feels like 5 or 6 years at most.  We want for Time to stop or at least slow down.  We're having so much fun.  The whole conventional wisdom about having all your fun before you get married just hasn't been true for us.  We agree that the most fun of our lives started when we met. Here we are at the poetry slam at the Spider House.  Very interesting.  We didn't stay the entire 3 hours but did catch the Haiku Death Match:  17 syllable poems.  (Not unlike 140 character Tweets?)  One of our favorites was something like:  "We don't know how to let go of our grown children.  They let go of us."  (Made me sad too:  please don't ever let go of us, Ryder, Skyler, and Amon!)  There was another one about Waldo becoming a Buddhist and finding himself.  Hmmm.

And delicious coffee afterwards on the Spider House outdoor patio.

Oh!  And would like a tattoo with that coffee?

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