Saturday, June 14, 2014

Low-tech accident

So on Thursday morning (not even Friday the 13th yet), I was backing out of the driveway to work, all frustrated because I'd changed the password on my laptop (per its prompting) and had been locked out.  Grrr!  As you can see, this is where the peach tree netting belongs.   Aside:  so far, so good.  No squirrel or bird attacks on the peaches.

Somehow, and it remains a mystery to me, my high-tech frustration was compounded by a lo-tech accident: I backed over the netting and it wrapped around the rear suspension/brake assembly (according to Amon, so it must be correct).  He informed me there is no rear axle on my front-wheel drive car.  I learn something new every day.


Amon with his prize.  How would you have liked to see him and his Viking brothers wading ashore back around 900 A.D.?

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