Friday, August 2, 2013

Los Jobos beach: July 26, 2013

Are these hermit crabs?  I'm not sure.  There were hundreds of them on our short hike to the beach.

Overlooking Los Jobos beach.  Do you see the spiky limestone formation that Papa Tom is standing on?  Very jagged and sharp!

The limestone at the sea's edge is very pitted.

A "blow hole" in the limestone.  When the tide is high, sea water spurts up through the "blow hole."

The same "blow hole," when the waves came in.  We were there at low tide, so the splash wasn't as spectacular as it is at high tide.  This is also where I stepped off into a tidal pool that was deeper than it looked and dunked the camera into the Atlantic Ocean.  The camera was not happy with me and refused to take any more photos.  But the memory card wasn't ruined, thank goodness, so the photos taken up to that point are now on our home computer.  Luckily, Papa Tom had his new Nikon with him and I had the iPod Touch as a backup for photo taking and they both stayed out of the ocean!

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