Friday, August 2, 2013

Puerto Rico: July 24, 2013

So there's nothing like getting up at 3:30 a.m. to be at the airport in time for a 6:15 a.m. flight.  We were through the security line shortly after 5 a.m. with time for coffee in our gate area before boarding the AirTran flight to Atlanta first, boarding another AirTran flight for San Juan.  We arrived in PR around 2 p.m., ready for action and adventure!
We thought Old San Juan was just a few blocks from our hotel.  After walking for a couple of hours, we realized we needed to go back to the hotel for the rental car.  Our reward: authentic Puerto Rican food at Raisas in Old San Juan.

Here, I'm holding a cup of water.  Should have photographed the mofongo, which is mashed plaintains, sort of like sweet mashed potatoes.  Our version was delicious with sauteed garlic, onions, and steak added.

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