Saturday, August 3, 2013

Old San Juan (Part III): July 29, 2013

El Morro, the fort built by the Spanish to guard San Juan Bay, is at the top of the hill.  The cemetery and church (red roof) are in the foreground.  Sir Francis Drake (known as "El Draco," the pirate) to the Spanish, is one of the few who was able to get past El Morro into the bay, setting Spanish ship on fire.  But a cannon ball blown into his cabin, mortally wounding his second cousin Jack Hawkins, forced him to retreat.

Replica of the soldiers' sleeping quarters.  Did they really sleep on wood or were mattresses there back in the day?

Senior Iguana now guards the bay

Looking back from the fort to the church, cemetery, Old San Juan, and the high rises of San Juan off in the distance

Flags over El Morro: the US flag, presumably the Puerto Rican flag, and I'm not sure what the third flag represents.  Good news: I don't see a skull and crossbones!

The bay below the fort

One of the sentry posts at El Morro

Inside the chapel

Papa Tom on El Morro's wall

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