Friday, August 2, 2013

Puerto Rico: July 25, 2013: El Yunque

El Yunque is the only tropical rainforest in the U.S. National Park system.  We weren't the only ones who thought a Thursday hike to Mina Falls was a good idea.  As it turns out, July 25th was Constitution Day, a holiday, so the National Park was very busy.  In fact, when we tried to drive in, we were turned back because the park was 600 cars (!) over its limit.  However, wiley Papa Tom found a parking space on the way down the mountain so we parked and walked back up the hill to a trolley stop for a ride to the Mina Falls trailhead.

Papa Tom, overlooking Mina Falls

Papa Tom at Mina Falls

Below Mina Falls in El Yunque

Yokahu Tower: a 69-foot high observation tower with a winding stairway to the top: no elevator!

Wild ginger (very fragrant!) in the rain forest . . .

. . . and the Atlantic Ocean beyond.

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