Sunday, March 17, 2024

Charleston Tea Garden (January 19, 2024)

You've heard of Bigelow teas, right? The tea is grown outside Charleston, South Carolina, on the only tea farm in North America,
The farm was established in 1888. Tea bushes were first introduced to North America from China in the 1700s but propagation was not successful for 150 years. The founder grew award winning teas until 1915 when he died. For the next 45 years, the tea plants grew wild. The plants were transplanted to a former potato farm in 1963. For the next 24 years research was conducted on the experimental farm. In 1987, a third generation tea taster formally trained in London bought the farm. Finally, the Bigelow family bought the working tea farm in 2003. 
Donna and I hopped out of the car to try a few freshly picked tea leaves. Tom was our getaway driver.
Creative teapots in the gift shop. Martha, the white pelican teapot made us think of you.
Not sure why there was a frog with a cup of tea on the bench outside. Someone's prince awaiting that magic kiss?

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