Sunday, March 31, 2024

Kevin Bacon at dawn (February 23, 2024)

Kevin and Colette at dawn. Kevin is a known entity to Austin animal control. He likes to escape and explore. Is he looking for his friend Alexander HAMilton? We offered him cat food but he only wanted to eat grass. 
Construction is ongoing on either side of Kevin's house. We think he ran through some paint or something from one of the sites. The white on his back was stiff and dry, not the natural color of his bristles.
About two days before Kevin's visit, we were talking to our across-the-street neighbor about weird neighborhood pets. She thought we were talking about the actor. We hadn't seen KB in three or four years. Then, two days later, he shows up. Talk about Law of Attraction! Although it was barely past dawn, we had to wake Debbie up to see him. She set up a wading pool for him and fed him walnuts. All was good until he escaped his yard a couple of days later and dug up Debbie's plants. Now, if he reappears, he WILL be bacon!
Kevin and me. We didn't know where he lives so I posted his photo on NextDoor. Turns out he lives a half block away, at the end of our street.
Papa and Kevin, the friendly neighborhood pig

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