Sunday, March 31, 2024

When there's construction next door (February 2024)

The neighbors are building a two-story addition. I'm going to miss having sunlight in the bathroom. The plants will have to rely on the grow light.
The second story is going up.
Our driveway is the perfect delivery area. We don't mind. We told Lalo he and his crew could use the space as needed. We've been parking on the street to give the workers space but also to avoid stray nails.
Our driveway is the perfect workspace. 
Oh no! Not a picture window looking right into our master bathroom!
They're also putting in a swimming pool and cabana. The good news? They won't be dividing their lot in half and putting in six tiny homes as will be allowed under Austin's new building code. Originally, the new code allowed for RVs to address the affordable housing shortage. That said, I'm glad bulldozed homes on our street are being replaced with property-line-to-property-line single family homes.
Ah! So not a picture window. Less natural light, but maybe also more shade on the driveway against the western sun. The redbud is in bloom.


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