Friday, September 27, 2019

Big Texan Steak Ranch, Amarillo (September 18, 2019)

Had to eat at the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo.  We were probably the only diners who ordered only veggies: great beans, fried okra, tomatoes and red onions, mashed potatoes.

If you eat a 72 -ounce (4.5 pounds!) steak, baked potato, salad, roll and butter, and three shrimp in an hour or less, the meal is free.  Contestants sit on a platform at the front of the restaurant.  This guy had 6 seconds to go.

He did it!  You can't see it, but he was wearing shorts and cowboy boots, classic summer combo.

These two contenders couldn't do it.

The restaurant was on historic Route 66 in Amarillo until Interstate 40 was built and business dropped drastically.  The restaurant moved to its new location on I-40 in the 1960s and expanded to include a hotel.

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