Wednesday, September 11, 2019

McDonald Observatory (August 27, 2019)

We signed up for a star party at McDonald Observatory, 16 miles from Fort Davis.  Cloud cover nixed the star party so staff presented information about our solar system, the discovery of planets outside our solar system, how scientists use spectographic analysis to determine the composition of stars.

This iron and nickel meteorite was found by a 7-year-old boy in 1903 about 15 miles from the McDonald Observatory.  For 10 years, it was displayed as a curiosity at a local mercantile.  The meteorite was then displayed in Chicago until 1987, when it was given to the McDonald Observatory.

Before stepping outside around 11 p.m., we could hear rain and hail but no thunder.  We were surprised by flash after flash of lightning, some like the heat lightning above, some branch lightning.  The lightning storm lasted for several hours and followed us the 36 miles back to our casita in Alpine.  Our Alpine hosts told us the storm knocked out the electric pump for their water well.

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