Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Death Valley: Artists Palette and sand dunes (August 28, 2021)

The Artists Palette scenic loop promises an array of colors (red, orange, yellow, blue, pink, and green) splashed across the hills. These colors are from volcanic deposits rich in compounds such as iron oxides and chlorite, which create a rainbow effect.  Maybe the colors are more stunning after a rare rain?  Or at sunrise or sunset? 
Decomposition of tuff-derived mica is green.
Less than 1% of Death Valley is covered with sand dunes.  The Mesquite Flat dunes, near the town of Stovepipe Wells (note yet another "hot" name), reach a height of 100 feet.  And sand boarding is allowed! The other dunes in Death Valley are closed to sledding, sand skiing, and sand boarding. 

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