Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Hot Creek (August 29, 2021)

So much volcanic activity in California!  We visited the Hot Creek Geological site, where the temperature of the thermal springs is about 199°F, a boiling point for the elevation of 7,000 feet above sea level.
People descending the Hot Creek trail are duly warned.
OK, Tom and I clearly saw the sign.  We also wanted a closer look at the creek.  We mostly stayed out of the water except for when Tom's water bottle rolled in.  He fished it out, wasn't burned.
Tom with his rescued water bottle off to his right, far from the creek's edge.
Boiling, bubbling water rich in dissolved minerals emerges in turquoise pools rimmed by layers of travertine rock and shrouded in veils of steam.
Keeping my water bottle close

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