Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The lowest point in the Western Hemisphere (August 28, 2021)

We are standing at the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere, 282 feet below sea level.  Stories suggest that Badwater Basin earned its name when a mule belonging to an 1800s surveyor refused to drink from the spring-fed pool near the present-day boardwalk.  The water isn't bad, just very salty.
Yeah, yeah.  It was after 10 a.m. and we ignored the recommendation, rebels that we are.
Badwater Basin is impressive at 282 feet below sea level. But the lowest point on land is the Dead Sea in Israel and Jordan at 1,358 feet below sea level. 
I walked onto the salt flat after the 10 a.m. cutoff and my flip flops didn't melt after all.

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