Monday, November 1, 2021

Mt. Whitney portal trail (August 27, 2021)

The Mt. Whitney Portal (8,374 feet) leads to Mt. Whitney, which at an elevation of 14,505 is the highest point in the Lower 48.  The hike is 22 miles round trip with an elevation gain of over 6,100 feet. Access is restricted by quotas from May to October.  We only hiked in a couple of miles.
The portal trail is in a heavily wooded canyon with towering granite cliffs on each side.  Good thing we hiked in August.  The Whitney Portal Road and upper trail are closed once the snow flies.
The North Fork of Lone Pine Creek crosses the trail.
Still below the tree line.  The tree line is the edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing.  Beyond the tree line, conditions such as extreme snowpack, cold temperatures, and/or lack of moisture prohibit growth.
Luckily we'd left all our food at the HomeAway.
Taking Mt. Whitney Portal road back down to the Alabama Hills.
White poppy along the Whitney Portal Trail road.

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