Monday, December 20, 2021

Candidate for the Austin Sierra Club's executive committee (November 12, 2021)

I've been on the Austin Sierra Club's social media team for more than 2 years now.  Fellow team member Victoria Sullivan, who's on the executive committee, asked me to run in the upcoming Ex Com election.  One of my Life rules is to seize opportunities thrown my way.  So, okay, I'm running.  I had to submit a selfie (how do you use that "youth" filter???), not an easy task for someone with T. Rex arms.  Oh, and a short bio in which you six grands are mentioned as among my blessings.  Election results in January 2022.
How can I be surprised in my own selfie?
More friendly but too imploring.
More natural, if you want a sauna in the background.  I don't remember now which one I chose to submit.  Not the "Surprise!" one though.

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