Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Lunch at Amon's while he's at work (Saturday, December 4)

Everyone arrived Friday night after delays.  Apparently the pilot's seat on the plane from Portland was broken so the Portland Lewises arrived several hours late, after the seat was repaired.  As Micah said, "Couldn't he sit on a bucket?" The Asheville Lewises' plane was about 2 hours late.  Before they arrived, I picked up their food order from Walmart and put food away at their Air B&B on West St. Johns.  We all met at Amon and Fox's on Saturday for sandwiches and cookies. Amon was at work and didn't know we would be there. Micah and Otis had spent the night there.
Amon and Fox's martial arts living room was a hit!
Chin up challenge!
Reaching the bar!  Tossing the ball!
About to test how well the bar is anchored in the cross beam.
The bar stayed put and Piper was next.
Time for hide and seek, the ever-popular Nerf gun, and video games.

 Brandy's ready for Beto O'Rourke's rally at Republic Square in downtown Austin tonight.  She's one his ambassadors and will be there several hours early to help with the pre-rally VIP event, the rally, then photos after the rally.

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