Monday, December 20, 2021

Painting my study 13 years after the remodel (started November 12, 2021)

Before the 2008 remodel, there was a second window on the south wall, now gone due to adding the kitchen and sun room.  I never painted the bare sheetrock.  Perhaps it's time?  The walls were Army green when this was Amon's room from age 8 when Tom and I married in 1995 until age 18.  I painted the walls candlelight pink in 2005, converting Amon's room to the Princess room complete with a canopy bed.  Remember?  
The new colors are Valspar's Purple Gala and Twilight Mist.
The hole in the wall was covered with Micah's framed fish drawing for years.  We must have repaired it once before, long ago, because the spare piece of sheetrock stored in the closet fits like the last piece in a jigsaw puzzle.  I have no memory of how the hole got there in the first place or how the repair failed.  But the repair is painted candlelight pink, so the hole must have happened after Amon moved out.
Four days later, the painting is finished.  Now to put the room back together!  Or together for the first time.

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