Sunday, December 19, 2021

Transitioning to no till gardening (October 8, 2021)

After watching Back to Eden, and learning about how letting wood chips compost in your garden creates rich soil full of earthworms, we decided to transition away from tilling.  We learned that tilling disturbs the ecosystem in the soil whereas using several inches of wood chips without tilling enriches the soil, reduces weed growth. We sent this photo to so the driver would know where to deliver them.
But where to get enough wood chips?  An online search brought up  Local arborists are happy to drop their woodchips on your driveway for $20 rather than hauling them to wherever the city drop off is.  Turns out the arborist who brought our approximately 10 cubic yards of chips was working about a block away when he saw our request.  A win-win!  Also, Micah told me he uses for his yard and I think for firewood too???  The truck was too tall to fit under our power lines so Tom propped them up for the driver.
So many fragrant wood chips!  I would be shoveling them almost daily into December.

 Uh, maybe we should have moved Amon's car before having the chips dropped!

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