Sunday, December 12, 2021

Last morning in Portland, Maine (September 27, 2021)

A jogger at dawn on Casco Bay, about three blocks from our VRBO in the old part of Portland.
Cheryl and I absorbed the sunrise.
The Mr. Tuna sushi food truck where snow storm parking starts.  Shades of Winter Storm Uri!  The city started putting up evacuation route signs in 2018 to guide people to safety in the event of a major hurricane.  In Maine, hurricanes don't happen often but they can be devastating when they do. Previous storms that had impact on Maine are: Carol and Edna in 1954, Donna in 1960, Gloria in 1985, and Bob in 1991.
Tom and I still had house painting to do when I got home.  So glad we wouldn't be on a ladder this tall!

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