Monday, December 20, 2021

House of light and joy over the years

Tom and best friend Roy built this addition before 1994, when Tom and I met.  The addition was torn down during the 2008 remodel.  After building the add on, Tom and Roy turned the living room picture window into double doors to a deck.  The double doors and deck are now gone.  You might recognize the picture window frame as the opening between the living room and our current kitchen. What used to be the deck (extending from the ladder to the edge of the add on) is now our kitchen floor.  The elm tree had so many more branches! A swing would eventually be hung on the horizontal branch.  The boys set up a 12' ladder on the deck and swung out to a trampoline in the middle of the yard.
Tom built the patio around 2000 with Micah's help on the bobcat.  Here, he's begun dismantling the deck in preparation for the 2008 remodel.  That's probably Baba on the patio.

 Our original kitchen is emptied for the 2008 remodel.  Our master bathroom and sauna room are now in the original kitchen footprint.  

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